How does belief shape our reality:

Belief is an idea that we hold it to be true usually these ideas are inbuild in our mind, and they shape our perceptions, our attitude, our feelings, our moods, our assumptions, our emotion even our expectation and desire are shaped and after all, they conquer our infinite potential and it forces to believe and assume what we call reality. Likewise, by the time it starts to filter and imprint into our consciousness, which in turn becomes reality. Please refer to my article on The Dimension Of Reality Through Consciousness where I have written how our though and fellings gets into reality.

Literally what we see, what we feel, what we think, what we imagine, what we understand, what inspires us all of that comes from some sort of belief and this belief project as our own world, if our belief fits others belief then there is alignment having harmonious, co-operative, and co-operation situation, and this type of situations may reward us and we intend to enforce our deeper knowing to be more bounded,  more connected. Actually, we all humans have the same gene back from evolution due to which we all are having similar understanding and learning which is capable enough to project the world with the same belief. 

So belief is a thought that is true for you but remembers it may not be true for all. As far as in my concern I think with the evolution if we don't discover our true self and if we follow idiocy we human race and entire earth soon or later really going to suffer badly. This could lead to the question of existence. In the next paragraph, I am going to write about the true self, I would say the undiscovered realm of your true potentiality.

Know your true self to filter the belief system:

With no doubt, some belief system has have contributed a lot in creating or evolving each individual, each society, each nation, and then the whole universe. So, it does not mean all belief system is limiting you some of them has helped you to manage and discover the true self to create peaceful, co-operative development of all entities in this universe, especially in the earth. For instance, belief sometimes brings people together. This harmonious act has helped to advance our humanity through the collective consciousness and this should exist to evolve in an ever-changing world.

We all accept that we are at a particular phase of evolution and it is also right that we are now no more illiterate to stick in other thought and opinion. Our understanding of both the cosmos and ourselves has widened so much now we are capable of choosing our own action, our own knowing out of all those we are capable to distinguish right and wrong. But saying that aren't we still stick to our belief that has been imprinted in our consciousness.

Well, the answer to how to discover? how to identify pure self? and most importantly does discovering our own true self is enough for modern evolution?  is also the answer of today and tomorrow I mean yes it's the answer to the future too. Staying in the boat of this huge question what reminds me is there is nothing such called impossible. And of course, it is possible to discover and identify the true self and this has been in practice from time immemorial and from this practitioner, what we can infer is it is obvious that the earth is indeed in need of such people and they have already set a good example in creating compassionate, loving and peaceful within and around them.

So, without answering whether our belief system is empowering or limiting us. I would leave it to you. and I want your attention to focus on these questions.
  1. Do you think that all believe that you have is true?
  2. Why do you think it's true?
  3. What does holding onto this belief system defines you?
  4. Who would you have been if you didn't have this belief?
  5. Do you think there is an idea that is beyond your belief?
  6. How does your life express itself out there as a result of your belief?
Moreover, the most significant question you need to ask yourself is. Is it possible to live a wonderful life without holding our own set of beliefs? If you ask me the answer is yes. I would say these because I think human beings are born with the grace of infinite potentiality, infinite possibility, infinite creativity, boundless imagination, and so many others. You believe me or not most of us have recognized the life is a never-ending horizon of deep inside with intuition, creativity, choice-making, imagination, empowerment, free will. and this has confirmed that we can change our experience of the world by changing our beliefs and ultimately going beyond all beliefs. 

With saying that again there should be some precaution before changing or going beyond your beliefs. As I have said you need to examine before you step to change. Because sometime you may lose a diamond while searching a gold. So, how do you identify it? well, there is some suggestion and recommendation you need to flow with.
  1. Don't limit yourself by defining who you are.
  2. Try to see situation from the other person's point of view.
  3. Be more open to other perspectives and opinions.
  4. Learn to think differently.
Finally, whatever, however, you adopt a belief, you are the one who is benefiting or regretting late on, so be kind to your self, practice the pause, pause before assuming, pause before accusing, pause whatever you're about to react harshly. Out of all those most important thing is when we meditate then we transcendent, when we are transcendent we know our true self this is the ultimate answer, this will leads beyond belief because you don't need any suggestion, recommendation or control over you, you know what is good and what is bad, you don't need to analysis, you don't need to worry because you are already surrendered to the universe and the universe will take care of your will and desire, you are only filled with compassionated heart, your life starts to rejoice within and around, all your life flowrish and boom with love, joy, peace.