When we talk about reality we generally talk about what we experience and what we perceive through our mind. But do you ever thought of changing your experience and your perceptual ability of your choice? or did you ever imagine being super-humankind?. Well, today I am writing about the anatomy of reality- experiences, and perception. Also, I am trying to give inside manifestation of consciousness on changing the dimension of reality. Before I begin I would like to code the powerful verse found in all religious scriptures and so many other great sages have had talked about.
What you think you create, what you feel you attract, what you imagine you become.
I am responsible for what I see. I choose the feeling I experience, and I decide upon the goal I would achieve. And everything that seems to happen to me I ask for, and receive as I have asked.
From these verses, I hope you are already into it. so without delay, I am going to give a concrete interdisciplinary concept of how this really works in reality, how are the experience and perceptions being shaped in the real world.
Without any doubt answer to all those questions is the only power of supreme divine entity called consciousness, which has the ability of modification into anything, and yes everything is possible and everything takes place through consciousness.
Being said every reality boils down into consciousness, first of all, let's go back to the experience of sensation also called the perceptual mode of knowing- in every creature I suppose there is some sort of neuroectoderm which give rise to several organs of the body and within those organs, there is a perceptual sensation which exhibits the expression of our sense reactivity like sound, flavor, fragrance, sensation, hardness, softness, color, shape, form, etc.
Likewise, another mode of knowing is mental, basically, this mode of knowing is through experience over time like felling, tinking, reflecting, contemplating, visualizing, imagining, remembering, desiring, and so on.
If we look it deeper, what we find is every sensor activity is the magical activity that turns formless into form-phenomenon. Actually, everything begins with the formless. The quantum theory also highlights this as every instant of creation emerging from the quantum vacuum as the random movement of particle and enforce fields. So let's put every sensor activity, every thought, every emotion, every feeling, every impulse of intelligence as a quantum vacuum modifying itself into an entangled experience that we call everyday reality.
So, you might be excited about knowing the quantum vacuum. Well, it's self-descriptive through its name vacuum, which means empty. But why don't we look from another perspective as what the empty actually comprises off, which actually modifies into knowing or experiencing?
Now, here is a tricky part of what I am writing is every mode of knowing is non of the physical entity they are modulation of awareness. I put this as the unified field of consciousness which is the filler of the vacuum space, generally, this is known as the cosmos field or universe. and I believe this unified field of the entity modifies to anything whether in the subjective or objective forms. so, in reality, we do not experience objects we experience the concept. For instance, no experience has a location in the physical world- we think we experience but what actually you are experiencing is the self, and most importantly it's formless.
And the more tricky part but important part of this article is who conceptualize? and what is that conceptualization? and the answer to this is obviously its consciousness. The attention and intention modify the entanglement and constructs the object which is actually comprising of consciousness itself. and the consciousness conceives, governs, constructs, and becomes everything that we called reality.
we experience modification of consciousness within consciousness so, we are engulfed in pervaded by and contend in and activities of this awareness construct the world of matter, of mind, of body, of the universe. Ultimately connected to settled experiences such as settle sound, sensation, smell, even settled images in the mind. Settle fluctuation of consciousness that we called thought. These are the raw materials of experiences made out of consciousness known in consciousness saturated in consciousness leveled in consciousness and even theory of them are space and event in consciousness.
As said in the above we cannot get behind of consciousness, which also means that every experience is the divine formless turning itself into form and phenomenon. we are the divine formless which comes with an entangled experience of activity as concepts.
If we let the consciousness as the supreme divine entities in this universe. and also knowing everything modifies, everything takes place through consciousness and of course, this means we can choose the experience of our choice, we can interpret the experience of our own. So my concern is can't we argue there is a possibility of unlimited potentials to access every part of the universe, see the universe, experience the universe, taste the universe, smell the universe through the consciousness.
I put this article up here and I would appreciate much about your though. Wait, before I end I would like to express my strongly believe that humans are capable to be super-human than today. If you are the believer like me you are the one to prove this. If you are not then it's okay just Be careful what you think. You are responsible for what you see, what you feel because I am not only the person to fell and believe this way here is some quotes from other great believers.
Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieveThe mind is everything. What you think, you becomeWe are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world.What you think you create, what you feel you attract, what you imagine you become.
Know that belief is a thought in your mind, and what you think you create.
You have faith when you know that thoughts are things; what you feel, you attract; and what you imagine, you become