"The Cosmic Mind is the mode of knowing everything".
Yes!, and this code is always fascinating all human being, including me :). I dare to call this pure consciousness, which opens the door of all-knowing -past, present, and future. In this article, I write about the manifestation of knowing the cosmic mind, explore the nature of it, and way to have experienced it within.
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Source of Cosmic Mind:
Without a doubt, the source of the cosmic mind is the universe. Actually, the cosmic is the cause and effect of all evolution and existence. Mystic and scientist to some extend talks about emptiness or the nothingness as the beginning of the universe, so is the source of cosmic. The source and existence of consciousness or cosmic is back to the nothingness, and it is said it returns to its original form one day.
Talking about the cosmic mind in perspective to the human being, It's intuitive consciousness, physic center, Center of inner guidance, Center of conscious choice-making, Center of knowing -past, present, and future, which are all discovered through the entangled space of all experience by means of the third eye.
Nature of Cosmic Mind.
When I talk about cosmic mind it won't be bais talking about consciousness. So I think the nature of consciousness can be explained to some extent with the following points.
- It is infinite, boundless.
- It has no form, formless.
- It is fundamental.
- It is everywhere, universal omnipresent.
- It is ever-growing, evolutionary.
- It is the source of creativity, Imagination.
- It is transforming, modifies into specific species.
- It is the most powerful, omnipotent.
With those points, it can further discussed through the element or attribute of its presence.
Element / Attribute of consciousness.
- Infinite Love.
- Compassionated.
- Kindness.
- Joy.
- Peace.
- Empathy.
- Harmless.
- Infinite possibility.
- Co-relation.
- Co-operation.
- Unpredictability.
- Creativity.
- Evolutionary and.
- Many more...
Process to discover Cosmic Mind.
When we talk about consciousness what comes in our mind is the third eye, and as I have already explained cosmic mind means we are referring the ultimate pure consciousness. So the means to navigate through the cosmic mind is the third eye, Here, for instance, the third eye is somewhat similar to the input-output device whatever you intends to have -input device, and whatever you receive -output device.
Journey from the third eye to cosmic mind.
With your intension curiosity and focusing awareness you may open your third eye, in other words through meditation you can achieve the pure consciousness, through which you can experience cosmic mind in innumerable forms, Your perceptual reality will drive you almost infinitely many possible experiences. Again it is said you can have all those mentioned when your sensation is totally settled to the point.
The settled body is actually the manifestation of the cosmic body, this is referred to as the reality of known or knowing the true experience. Furthermore seeing from the settled mind is more powerful, and this is the ultimate mode of knowing and reality.
Other way of opening the consciousness world is you have to surrender yourself to the universe, more precisely self-reflection and self query opens the door of the wisdom of the unknown.
Besides saying the settled body is awesome, our physical sensation has always dominated our settled body. The metric of settle mind, settle sense, settle test, settle smell, settle seen is almost inactive thus we only experience and perceive the physical world.
Having said and revealing all the secrets you are ready to set go. Find all creative solutions at any time and at any place. Best of luck! and thanks for reading.
Lastly but not least, I forget to remain you that the whole process of existence in this universe is to give and take so, when we take something we should not forget to give away something its rule and same applies in the cosmic world, Use the cosmic mind and surrender to the cosmic mind.