
Creation is the magnification of something that does not exist before. The creative process is the creation of the new story, new vision, new context, new meaning, the new perceptual experience of reality, new congestive interpretation of reality, new relationship, ultimately the emergence of something that never exists before.

Types of Creation:

1. Fundamental:

In fundamental, the creation happens form the heart of existence, which is guarded by the consciousness, it's not a random manifestation, though its unbelievable prediction. Its source is the mind, body and the whole universe which is again inspired by the consciousness.

2. Simulation:

The creation can be achieved through artificial means like modeling and manipulating the information and matters through the means of machine or algorithm.

From above it is clear that fundamental creation is not on our own control, being said that the existence is not mean enough, it has given the simulation process where we can explore and discover the infinite source of creativity within you and me,  so why not?? let's,  explore the technique and method to know the unknown, which can be seen from different perspective that in reality the physical body and physical world is the interpretation of the perceptual activity.

Steps of creation:

  1. Mutual information gathering: Gather as much as many information from the different related subject matter. 
  2. Information analysis:
  3. Incubation: Use all the strength and your capacity to discover the scope and potential it carries also, allows discovering uncertainty.
  4. Motivation: Find the motivation factor allowing your intension and interest.
  5. Inspiration: Mindfulness of its importance and its applicability will definitely inspire you.
  6. Implement: With all plans and strategies implemented so that new creation flourish.
  7. Integration: The physical body and physical world is the interpretation of the perceptual activity.
  8. Incarnation: Its again the time to begin with new creativity to have happened, i would say happy ester.

Still buzzing in your mind don't worry I will drive you through these principles:
  • Fine settlement through senses:  Like sound, smell, taste, feelings and, vision.
  • Witness of senses.
  • See the particular on the whole.
  • See the whole in particular.
  • Finally understanding the role of karma.
Now if you are able to flow all this way of creativity, definitely the pillar of well being is there on your way to maximize:
  • Self-regulation.
  • More immune capacity.
  • Homeostasis.