
The consciousness is the infinite resilient for the well being known form past and future to be in the present moment, which ultimately helps to access the self-regulation, self-healing, optimize the immune system, self intuition, deep listening, strength from utter unclarity and, discover the ultimate blessing. So to access the infinitely dynamic awareness of our existence we can flow some principles;
  1. No criticism: don't blame or complain about the victim.
  2. Stop objecting to the future.
  3. Stop regretting the past.
  4. Cultivate the presence of being i.e. no judgment and evaluation.
  5. Stay immune to criticism or flatters.
  6. Be responsible for your response.
With all these principles move away from addiction space to the blissful life, adapting creativity, love, enthusiasm. All we need to cultivate the discipline to be live in the present moment and rejoice ultimate potential, which leads to flexibility in the mind, flexibility to attitude, flexibility to the relationship, flexibility in awareness.

Cultivating the above principle, limitless blessing flows on you. Be proud to say:
  • I am an infinitely flexible.
  • I am infinitely resilient.
  • I am infinitely dynamic.
Okay, I wish you will get all strength, your third eye of intuition opens, you will start to listen deeply,  you will identify the ego, let you transcendent of self-awareness flourish, you could be aware of all the space and its causality.