
Negative thinking is a thought process where people tend to find the worst in everything, ultimately it tends to manifest into a pattern that can cause tremendous stress, worry, or sadness, frustration, irritability, to even anxiety, depression, cancer and diabetes. Overall passing through many other unpleasant feelings, over time. Thus this has a huge impact on our social and individual life which are also more responsible for ruined relationships.

A practical approach to cut down negative thought.

  1. Listen to Loud music.
  2. Play with children.
  3. Play or feed pets.
  4. Spend time with nature.
  5. Take a cold shower.
  6. Engage in Productive tasks or activities. 
  7. List out what you're grateful for.

Devine approach to cut down negative thought.

  1. Withness the present movement.
  2. Surrender to the divine power.
  3. Accept everything as it is.

The benefit of getting rid of negative thoughts.

  1. Be Happy, Healthier and Enjoy your life.
  2. Uplift your energy level.
  3. Better psychological and physical well-being.
Ultimately all the great supreme master's says "Choice is yours blessing is my", Which implies there is always a choice. Don't stick in the past to destroy the present and future.